It's an ugly, inferior way to experience one of the greatest games of all time. Here's the same scene in the original game: Then there's just inconsistency - everything in this screen is filtered except for the boat, birds and clouds, and their sharpness in comparison to the rest of the image also just feels off and wrong. There's a great post on gaming forum ResetEra which features It's worth noting that the original game also had tiling problems here and there, but whatever's been done to this version has significantly exacerbated them. It's actually not so bad in this area: in other locations of the game, it looks outright broken. Look closely at the forest or beach to see this at its worst. This is an early game area, but just look closer: The filter crushes out detail, but worse is how the tiling on the background is completely messed up, with tiles not stitching properly into their neighbors. This is a great screenshot to start with. We see these sorts of filters on emulated re-releases pretty often, of course, but Chrono Trigger uses a unique cocktail of multiple filters on multiple sprite layers that combines to become some sort of unholy assembly of ugliness. I actually don't know what's worse: the awful redrawn sprites from Final Fantasy 5 and 6 on Steam or this, the brilliant original artwork filtered and crunched to remove sharpness of pixels, in the process actually removing detail and just generally looking worse. There's a characterless font, touch-based control elements that remain present even when using a controller, an unceremonious booting to a system-level text input box every time you need to name a character and an awful smudgy vaseline filter that's applied to the game's beautiful sprite artwork.
Chrono Trigger on PC is a port of the mobile version of the game and brings across all the ugliness that version had to offer. The screenshots posted speak for themselves. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. This looks like someone's first attempt at an RPG Maker game. It's definitive in terms of content, but in other areas it falls enormously short. On minute twelve, the penny painfully drops: "This looks like someone's first attempt at an RPG Maker game," he tweets, marking the start of a painful twitter thread outlining just how inept this port of an all-time classic is. By minute seven he'd purchased it, but by minute ten he was reporting his first doubts. It's perhaps best demonstrated in the tweets of indie developer Fred Wood, who excitedly tweeted 'WHAT' alongside a screenshot of the game's announcement within four minutes of the game appearing on the Steam store. "It's an ugly, inferior way to experience one of the greatest games of all time." For a brief time Square Enix were heroes, but it didn't last for long. Video game fans and Final Fantasy fans are notoriously fickle to begin with, but the change of opinion around Chrono Trigger on PC was whiplash-fast, one of the quickest about-face turns I've ever seen en masse. This is the problem with the latest PC release of Square Enix's Chrono Trigger, one repeated from their PC and mobile ports of Final Fantasy 5 and 6. The most vital thing of all is that these older games are treated with respect when they're recreated for newer audiences. This is why I'm impressed with Microsoft's efforts to ensure their older titles are backwards compatible and enhanced on their newer hardware, and why it's important Sony took the time to remake Shadow of the Colossus. If we're going to acknowledge games as an art form, it's important that older works should remain available for newcomers to the medium to discover. Nvidia has since confirmed the existence of the leaked list but said that it was merely speculative and not necessarily indicative of new games on the horizon-except that it seems to be pretty good at providing dates for new game releases.Video game re-releases and remasters are a good thing, broadly speaking. That’s what they said, they told me it wasn’t PlayStation exclusive.”įinally, the third piece comes from the Nvidia GeForce Now leak from two months ago which listed Chrono Cross as one of the upcoming titles. "All my source said to me was ‘multiplat’. That’s not what I was told," Baker added.

“Now, when I hear JRPG and multiplat, I automatically assume PC, PlayStation, Switch, that’s my assumption.

"The only word that was used was ‘multiplat’. “What else I was told-because everyone’s working under the assumption that it’s a PlayStation exclusive-I’ve been told that it’s not," Baker said. The second piece comes from Xbo圎ra's Nick Baker, who recently said in the Xbo圎ra Podcast that PlayStation will reveal Chrono Cross Remastered sometime next month.